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The economic cost of pregnancy in girls and adolescents, El Salvador 2017.

The economic cost of pregnancy in girls and adolescents, El Salvador 2017.
The economic cost of pregnancy in girls and adolescents, El Salvador 2017.


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UNFPA El Salvador


The economic cost of pregnancy in girls and adolescents, El Salvador 2017.

Fecha de publicación

22 Marzo 2018

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The study on the economic cost of pregnancy in girls and adolescents, addresses a dimension that changes the traditional analysis that focus exclusively on costs of the provision of healthcare for adolescent mothers and their newborns, or on obstetric events and early childhood. The study on the economic cost of pregnancy in girls and adolescents focuses on the individual implications of early fertility on girl’s education and the consequences at an aggregate scale for the State and for society, as a fiscal return of social investment. That is, the study moves away from a more individual perspective and comprises a more collective view.
This document was written to provide economic evidence regarding the consequences of pregnancy of girls and adolescents in order to be used in advocacy particularly targeted at publics and decision-makers whose language comes closer to an economic approach. 



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