The UNFPA El Salvador office, in collaboration with the Sendas Foundation, initiated the #NoLabels disability campaign in 2023. The objective is to contribute to transforming stereotypes and prejudices that undermine the rights of people with disabilities. Additionally, the campaign seeks to amplify the voices of women with disabilities, who often face limitations in their autonomy, integrity, and participation.
The 2022-2026 Country Program prioritizes people with disabilities, especially adolescents, youth, and women, as the most marginalized group in achieving the three transformative results. To accelerate progress, it is implementing the "Visibility, Inclusion, and Participation" disability strategy, encompassing 10 lines of action addressing programmatic, operational, planning, human resource management, and communication aspects. The "No Labels" campaign is a key communication initiative that will continue throughout 2024.
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Learn the story of Carolina, on the verge of completing her law degree, taking on the role of director at the Association of Blind Women of El Salvador, an entrepreneur, and a mother of three. >> Watch |
Get to know the journey of Ana, advancing in her dream of becoming a doctor despite the obstacles she has encountered along the way. >> Watch |
New leadership from women with disabilities.
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Furthermore, the office is committed to fostering new leadership from women with disabilities in the country, equipped with knowledge in the areas of our mandate. Twenty-one young women with disabilities have participated in a training process covering human rights, comprehensive health with a focus on sexual and reproductive health, and the prevention and addressing of gender-based violence, particularly sexual violence. These women will replicate this training to other young women with disabilities in the coming months.
The sessions were conducted under the @WeDecideGlobal program, with the support of @AECIDElSalvador and coordination from @fundasendas, @OlimpEspeciales, and UNFPA.
"What is not told, does not exist."
To contribute to the visibility of people with disabilities, UNFPA, in collaboration with the National Council for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, published the study "Analysis of the Situation of Persons with Disabilities in El Salvador, 2023." This diagnosis provides an updated perspective based on various secondary sources regarding the situation of people with disabilities in the country.
Out of every 100 households in El Salvador, 45 have at least one person with a disability, and 20 have at least one person with a critical condition. The study highlights a strong correlation with accelerated aging in the country, as well as a significant feminization of disability. It shares a series of recommendations to advance in achieving better development outcomes for this population.
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